Among Us

Among Us akan segera mendapatkan daftar teman

InnerSloth telah membagikan sebuah roadmap apa yang akan hadir untuk judul deduksi sosial tersebut.


Innersloth, developer game deduksi sosial yang sangat populer, Among Us telah mengumumkan apa yang akan hadir ke dalam judul tersebut di sepanjang tahun 2022. Disebutkan dalam sebuah postingan blog, informasi tersebut datang setelah game tersebut baru-baru ini menambahkan lebih banyak peran, 15 support pemain, dan Cosmicubes, supaya para pemain bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak kosmetik dengan bermain.

Mengenai apa yang akan hadir kemudian, postingan blog tersebut mencatat bahwa ada beberapa fitur baru yang datang di sepanjang tahun ini, dimana sorotan utamanya adalah sebuah friend's list
As for what's next, the blog post notes that there are several new features coming during this year, with a highlight being a friend's list, so that you can more easily group up and create lobbies to play. We're told that, alongside some quality of life improvements, which includes improvements to the UX, the friend's list is InnerSloth's "main priority at the moment", meaning while the feature doesn't have a release date, we can likely look forward to it coming sooner rather than later.

Otherwise, the post also shares that the developer is working on (in no particular order) bringing more roles to the game, more cubes, hide 'n' seek, and more collaborations, with the latest of these seeing Ghostface from Scream landing in the title.

Not a whole lot else was mentioned, aside from the fact that Among Us was the most downloaded game on PS4 and PS5 in December, and that there is more information on Among Us VR "on the horizon". Check out the very rudimentary roadmap below.

Among Us

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